#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Liftoff Software Corporation
# Meta
__version__ = '1.0'
__version_info__ = (1, 0)
__license__ = "AGPLv3 or Proprietary (see LICENSE.txt)"
__doc__ = """\
.. _woff_info.py:
Provides a number of functions that can be used to extract the 'name' data from
.woff (web font) files.
.. note::
In most cases .woff files have the metadata stripped (to save space) which
is why this module only grabs the 'name' records from the snft (font data)
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from woff_info import woff_name_data
>>> woff_path = '/opt/gateone/applications/terminal/static/fonts/ubuntumono-normal.woff'
>>> pprint(woff_info(woff_path))
{'Compatible Full': 'Ubuntu Mono',
'Copyright': 'Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd. Licensed under the Ubuntu Font Licence 1.0',
'Designer': 'Dalton Maag Ltd',
'Designer URL': 'http://www.daltonmaag.com/',
'Font Family': 'Ubuntu Mono',
'Font Subfamily': 'Regular',
'Full Name': 'Ubuntu Mono',
'ID': 'Ubuntu Mono Regular Version 0.80',
'Manufacturer': 'Dalton Maag Ltd',
'Postscript Name': 'UbuntuMono-Regular',
'Preferred Family': 'Ubuntu Mono',
'Preferred Subfamily': 'Regular',
'Trademark': 'Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.',
'Vendor URL': 'http://www.daltonmaag.com/',
'Version': 'Version 0.80'}
This script can also be executed on the command line to display the name
information for any given WOFF file:
.. ansi-block::
\x1b[1;34muser\x1b[0m@modern-host\x1b[1;34m:~ $\x1b[0m ./woff_info static/fonts/ubuntumono-normal.woff
"Compatible Full": "Ubuntu Mono",
"Copyright": "Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd. Licensed under the Ubuntu Font Licence 1.0",
"Designer": "Dalton Maag Ltd",
"Designer URL": "http://www.daltonmaag.com/",
"Font Family": "Ubuntu Mono",
"Font Subfamily": "Regular",
"Full Name": "Ubuntu Mono",
"ID": "Ubuntu Mono Regular Version 0.80",
"Manufacturer": "Dalton Maag Ltd",
"Postscript Name": "UbuntuMono-Regular",
"Preferred Family": "Ubuntu Mono",
"Preferred Subfamily": "Regular",
"Trademark": "Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.",
"Vendor URL": "http://www.daltonmaag.com/",
"Version": "Version 0.80"
The command line output is JSON so it can be easily used by other programs.
import sys, struct, zlib, functools
def memoize(obj):
cache = obj.cache = {}
def memoizer(*args, **kwargs):
key = str(args) + str(kwargs)
if key not in cache:
cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs)
return cache[key]
return memoizer
# Try using Gate One's memoize decorator (with self-expiry!)
from gateone.core.utils import memoize
except ImportError:
pass # No big, use the one above
# Globals
0: 'ascii',
1: 'latin-1',
2: 'iso-8859-1'
NAME_ID_MAP = { # For human-readable names
0: u"Copyright",
1: u"Font Family",
2: u"Font Subfamily",
3: u"ID",
4: u"Full Name",
5: u"Version",
6: u"Postscript Name",
7: u"Trademark",
8: u"Manufacturer",
9: u"Designer",
10: u"Description",
11: u"Vendor URL",
12: u"Designer URL",
13: u"License Description",
14: u"License URL",
15: u"Reserved",
16: u"Preferred Family",
17: u"Preferred Subfamily",
18: u"Compatible Full",
19: u"Sample Text",
20: u"Postscript CID",
21: u"WWS Family Name",
22: u"WWS Subfamily Name",
#200: u"???" # Liberation Mono uses this, "Webfont 1.0" is the value but
# what is ID 200 supposed to be? Webfont version?
#201: u"???" # Liberation Mono also uses this. Looks like a date of some
# sort. Creation date, perhaps?
format: H
count: H
offset: H
platform_id: H
encoding: H
language: H
name_id: H
length: H
offset: H
signature: 4s
flavor: 4s
length: L
numTables: H
reserved: H
totalSfntSize: L
majorVersion: H
minorVersion: H
metaOffset: L
metaLength: L
metaOrigLength: L
privOffset: L
privLength: L
tag: 4s
offset: L
compLength: L
origLength: L
origChecksum: L
[docs]class BadWoff(Exception):
Raised when the name data cannot be extracted from a a .woff file (for
whatever reason).
# Much of this code was copied from the W3C WOFF validator.py:
# http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF/tools/validator/
# ...which is covered by the W3C's own MIT-like license:
# http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231
# This was inspired by Just van Rossum's sstruct module.
# http://fonttools.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fonttools/trunk/Lib/sstruct.py
def struct_unpack(format, data):
keys, format_string = _struct_get_format(format)
size = struct.calcsize(format_string)
values = struct.unpack(format_string, data[:size])
unpacked = {}
for index, key in enumerate(keys):
value = values[index]
unpacked[key] = value
return unpacked, data[size:]
def struct_calc_size(format):
keys, format_string = _struct_get_format(format)
return struct.calcsize(format_string)
_struct_format_cache = {}
def _struct_get_format(format):
if format not in _struct_format_cache:
keys = []
format_string = [">"] # always big endian
for line in format.strip().splitlines():
line = line.split("#", 1)[0].strip()
if not line:
key, format_char = line.split(":")
key = key.strip()
format_char = format_char.strip()
_struct_format_cache[format] = (keys, "".join(format_string))
return _struct_format_cache[format]
HEADER_SIZE = struct_calc_size(HEADER_FORMAT)
def unpack_header(data):
return struct_unpack(HEADER_FORMAT, data)[0]
def unpack_directory(data):
header = unpack_header(data)
numTables = header["numTables"]
data = data[HEADER_SIZE:]
directory = []
for index in range(numTables):
table, data = struct_unpack(DIRECTORY_FORMAT, data)
return directory
def unpack_table_data(data):
directory = unpack_directory(data)
tables = {}
for entry in directory:
tag = entry["tag"]
offset = entry["offset"]
origLength = entry["origLength"]
compLength = entry["compLength"]
if offset > len(data) or offset < 0 or (offset + compLength) < 0:
tableData = ""
elif offset + compLength > len(data):
tableData = data[offset:]
tableData = data[offset:offset+compLength]
if compLength < origLength:
td = zlib.decompress(tableData)
tableData = td
except zlib.error:
tableData = None
tables[tag] = tableData
return tables
def unpack_name_data(data):
header, remaining_data = struct_unpack(NAME_HEADER_FORMAT, data)
count = header["count"]
storage_offset = header["offset"]
name_records = []
for index in range(count):
record, remaining_data = struct_unpack(
NAME_RECORD_FORMAT, remaining_data)
# Add the strings to the table
offset = storage_offset + record['offset']
end = offset + record['length']
# Remove any null chars from the string (they can have lots)
record['string'] = data[offset:end].replace(b'\x00', b'')
# Now make sure the string is unicode
encoding = ENCODING_MAP[record['encoding']]
record['string'] = record['string'].decode(encoding)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# Sometimes the listed encoding is incorrect. Fall back to latin-1
# (which covers the most common non-ascii characters such as the
# copyright symbol: \xa9)
record['string'] = record['string'].decode('latin-1')
return name_records
[docs]def woff_name_data(path):
Returns the 'name' table data from the .woff font file at the given *path*.
.. note:: Only returns the English language stuff.
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
table_data = unpack_table_data(f.read())
if b'name' not in table_data:
raise BadWoff("WOFF file is invalid")
name_data = unpack_name_data(table_data[b'name'])
name_dict = {}
for record in name_data:
if record['language'] == 0: # English
name_id = record['name_id']
del record['name_id'] # To reduce redundancy
name_dict[name_id] = record
if not name_dict:
# Fallback to using the first language we find
language = None
for record in name_data:
if not language:
language = record['language']
if record['language'] == language:
name_id = record['name_id']
del record['name_id'] # To reduce redundancy
name_dict[name_id] = record
return name_dict
def woff_info(path):
Returns a dictionary containing the English-language name (string) data
from the WOFF file at the given *path*.
name_dict = woff_name_data(path)
human_name_dict = {}
for name_id, record in name_dict.items():
human_name = NAME_ID_MAP.get(name_id, 'Unknown Name ID: %s' % name_id)
human_name_dict[human_name] = record['string']
return human_name_dict
if __name__ == "__main__":
import json
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage: %s <woff file>" % sys.argv[0])
path = sys.argv[1]
print(json.dumps(woff_info(path), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
except BadWoff as e:
print("Could not decode name table (metadata) from %s" % path)