#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Liftoff Software Corporation
# Meta
__version__ = '1.0'
__license__ = "AGPLv3 or Proprietary (see LICENSE.txt)"
__version_info__ = (1, 0)
__author__ = 'Dan McDougall <daniel.mcdougall@liftoffsoftware.com>'
# Import stdlib stuff
import os, sys, re, io, gzip, fcntl, termios, struct, shutil, tempfile
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
from optparse import OptionParser
import curses
except ImportError:
curses = None
# Import our own stuff
from gateone import GATEONE_DIR
from gateone.core.utils import raw
from gateone.core.configuration import get_settings, combine_css
# 3rd party imports
from tornado.escape import json_encode, json_decode
import tornado.template
__doc__ = """\
.. _log_viewer:
Log Viewer
Allows the user to play back a given log file like a video (default) or display
it in a syslog-like format. To view usage information, run it with the --help
.. ansi-block::
\x1b[1;31mroot\x1b[0m@host\x1b[1;34m:/opt/gateone $\x1b[0m ./logviewer.py --help
Usage: logviewer.py [options] <log file>
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --flat Display the log line-by-line in a syslog-like format.
-p, --playback Play back the log in a video-like fashion. This is the
default view.
--pretty Preserve font and character renditions when displaying the
log in flat view (default).
--raw Display control characters and escape sequences when
Here's an example of how to display a Gate One log (.golog) in a flat, greppable
.. ansi-block::
\x1b[1;31mroot\x1b[0m@host\x1b[1;34m:/opt/gateone $\x1b[0m ./logviewer.py --flat
Sep 09 21:07:14 Host/IP or SSH URL [localhost]: modern-host
Sep 09 21:07:16 Port [22]:
Sep 09 21:07:16 User: bsmith
Sep 09 21:07:17 Connecting to: ssh://bsmith@modern-host:22
Sep 09 21:07:17
Sep 09 21:07:17 bsmith@modern-host's password:
Sep 09 21:07:20 Welcome to Ubuntu 11.04 (GNU/Linux 2.6.38-11-generic x86_64)
Sep 09 21:07:20
Sep 09 21:07:20 * Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
Sep 09 21:07:20
Sep 09 21:07:20 Last login: Thu Sep 29 08:51:27 2011 from portarisk
Sep 09 21:07:20 \x1b[1;34mbsmith\x1b[0m@modern-host\x1b[1;34m:~ $\x1b[0m ls
Sep 09 21:07:21 why_I_love_gate_one.txt to_dont_list.txt
Sep 09 21:07:21 \x1b[1;34mbsmith\x1b[0m@modern-host\x1b[1;34m:~ $\x1b[0m
About Gate One's Log Format
Gate One's log format (.golog) is a gzip-compressed unicode (UTF-8) text file
consisting of time-based frames separated by the unicode character, U+F0F0F0.
Each frame consists of JavaScript-style timestamp (because it is compact)
followed by a colon and then the text characters of the frame. A frame ends
when a U+F0F0F0 character is encountered.
Here are two example .golog frames demonstrating the format::
1317344834868:\\x1b[H\\x1b[2JHost/IP or SSH URL [localhost]: <U+F0F0F>1317344836086:\\r\\nPort [22]: <U+F0F0F>
Gate One logs can be opened, decoded, and parsed in Python fairly easily::
import gzip
golog = gzip.open(path_to_golog).read()
for frame in golog.split(u"\U000f0f0f".encode('UTF-8')):
frame_time = float(frame[:13]) # First 13 chars is the timestamp
# Timestames can be converted into datetime objects very simply:
datetime_obj = datetime.fromtimestamp(frame_time/1000)
frame_text = frame[14:] # This gets you the actual text minus the colon
# Do something with the datetime_obj and the frame_text
.. note:: U+F0F0F0 is from Private Use Area (PUA) 15 in the Unicode Character Set (UCS). It was chosen at random (mostly =) from PUA-15 because it is highly unlikely to be used in an actual terminal program where it could corrupt a session log.
Class Docstrings
# Globals
APPLICATION_PATH = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
SEPARATOR = u"\U000f0f0f" # The character used to separate frames in the log
RE_OPT_SEQ = re.compile(r'\x1b\]_\;(.+?)(\x07|\x1b\\)', re.MULTILINE)
RE_TITLE_SEQ = re.compile(
r'.*\x1b\][0-2]\;(.+?)(\x07|\x1b\\)', re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
# TODO: Support Fast forward/rewind/pause like Gate One itself.
[docs]def get_frames(golog_path, chunk_size=131072):
A generator that iterates over the frames in a .golog file, returning them
as strings.
encoded_separator = SEPARATOR.encode('UTF-8')
golog = gzip.open(golog_path)
frame = b""
while True:
chunk = golog.read(chunk_size)
frame += chunk
if encoded_separator in chunk:
split_frames = frame.split(encoded_separator)
next_frame = split_frames[-1]
for fr in split_frames[:-1]:
# Undo extra CRs caused by capturing shell output on top of
# shell output
fr = fr.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')
yield fr
frame = next_frame
if len(chunk) < chunk_size:
# Write last frame
if frame:
frame = frame.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')
yield frame
[docs]def retrieve_first_frame(golog_path):
Retrieves the first frame from the given *golog_path*.
found_first_frame = None
frame = b""
f = gzip.open(golog_path)
while not found_first_frame:
frame += f.read(1) # One byte at a time
if frame.decode('UTF-8', "ignore").endswith(SEPARATOR):
# That's it; wrap this up
found_first_frame = True
distance = f.tell()
return (frame.decode('UTF-8', "ignore").rstrip(SEPARATOR), distance)
[docs]def playback_log(log_path, file_like, show_esc=False):
Plays back the log file at *log_path* by way of timely output to *file_like*
which is expected to be any file-like object with write() and flush()
If *show_esc* is True, escape sequences and control characters will be
escaped so they can be seen in the output. There will also be no delay
between the output of frames (under the assumption that if you want to see
the raw log you want it to output all at once so you can pipe it into
some other app).
prev_frame_time = None
for count, frame in enumerate(get_frames(log_path)):
frame_time = float(frame[:13]) # First 13 chars is the timestamp
frame = frame[14:] # [14:] Skips the timestamp and the colon
if count == 0:
# Write it out immediately
if show_esc:
frame = raw(frame)
prev_frame_time = frame_time
if show_esc:
frame = raw(frame)
# Wait until the time between the previous frame and now
# has passed
wait_time = (frame_time - prev_frame_time)/1000.0
sleep(wait_time) # frame times are in milliseconds
prev_frame_time = frame_time
except IOError: # Something wrong with the file
[docs]def escape_escape_seq(text, preserve_renditions=True, rstrip=True):
Escapes escape sequences so they don't muck with the terminal viewing *text*
Also replaces special characters with unicode symbol equivalents (e.g. so
you can see what they are without having them do anything to your running
If *preserve_renditions* is True, CSI escape sequences for renditions will
be preserved as-is (e.g. font color, background, etc).
If *rstrip* is true, trailing escape sequences and whitespace will be
esc_sequence = re.compile(
r'\x1b(.*\x1b\\|[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXYZa-z0-9=]|[()# %*+].)')
csi_sequence = re.compile(r'\x1B\[([?A-Za-z0-9;@:\!]*?)([A-Za-z@_])')
#esc_rstrip = re.compile('[ \t]+\x1b.+$')
out = u""
esc_buffer = u""
# If this seems confusing it is because text parsing is a black art! ARRR!
for char in text:
if not esc_buffer:
if char == u'\x1b': # Start of an ESC sequence
esc_buffer = char
# TODO: Determine if we should bring this back:
#elif ord(char) in replacement_map:
#out += replacement_map[ord(char)]
else: # Vanilla char. Booooring.
out += raw(char)
else: # Something interesting is going on
esc_buffer += char
if char == u'\x07' or esc_buffer.endswith(u'\x1b\\'): # Likely title
esc_buffer = u'' # Nobody wants to see your naked ESC sequence
elif esc_buffer.endswith('\x1b\\'):
esc_buffer = u'' # Ignore
# Nobody wants to see plain ESC sequences in the buf...
match_obj = esc_sequence.match(esc_buffer)
if match_obj:
#seq_type = match_obj.group(1)
esc_buffer = u'' # Just when you thought you've ESC'd...
# CSI ESC sequences... These are worth a second look
match_obj = csi_sequence.match(esc_buffer)
if match_obj:
csi_type = match_obj.group(2)
if csi_type == 'm' and preserve_renditions: # mmmmmm!
out += esc_buffer # Ooh, naked viewing of pretty things!
elif csi_type == 'C': # Move cursor right (we want to do this)
# Will be something like this: \x1b[208C
num_spaces = match_obj.group(1)
if not num_spaces:
num_spaces = 1
spaces = int(num_spaces)
out += u' ' * spaces # Add an equivalent amount of spaces
esc_buffer = u'' # Make room for more!
if rstrip:
# Remove trailing whitespace + trailing ESC sequences
return out.rstrip()
else: # All these trailers better make for a good movie
return out
[docs]def flatten_log(log_path, file_like, preserve_renditions=True, show_esc=False):
Given a log file at *log_path*, write a string of log lines contained
within to *file_like*. Where *file_like* is expected to be any file-like
object with write() and flush() methods.
If *preserve_renditions* is True, CSI escape sequences for renditions will
be preserved as-is (e.g. font color, background, etc). This is to make the
output appear as close to how it was originally displayed as possible.
Besides that, it looks really nice =)
If *show_esc* is True, escape sequences and control characters will be
visible in the output. Trailing whitespace and escape sequences will not be
Converts our standard recording-based log format into something that
can be used with grep and similar search/filter tools.
from terminal import Terminal, SPECIAL
metadata = get_log_metadata(log_path)
rows = metadata.get('rows', 24)
cols = metadata.get('columns', None)
if not cols:
# Try the old metadata format which used 'cols':
cols = metadata.get('cols', 80)
term = Terminal(rows=rows, cols=cols, em_dimensions=0)
out_line = u""
cr = False
# We skip the first frame, [1:] because it holds the recording metadata
for count, frame in enumerate(get_frames(log_path)):
if count == 0:
# Skip the first frame (it's just JSON-encoded metadata)
# First 13 chars is the timestamp:
frame_time = float(frame.decode('UTF-8', 'ignore')[:13])
# Convert to datetime object
frame_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(frame_time/1000)
if show_esc:
frame_time = frame_time.strftime(u'\x1b[0m%b %d %H:%M:%S')
else: # Renditions preserved == I want pretty. Make the date bold:
frame_time = frame_time.strftime(u'\x1b[0;1m%b %d %H:%M:%S\x1b[m')
if not show_esc:
if term.capture:
# Capturing a file... Keep feeding it frames until complete
elif term.captured_files:
for line in term.screen:
# Find all the characters that come before/after the capture
for char in line:
if ord(char) >= SPECIAL:
adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % adjusted
out_line = u""
if char in term.captured_files:
captured_file = term.captured_files[char].file_obj
del captured_file
term.close_captured_fds() # Instant cleanup
out_line += char
if not out_line:
adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % out_line.strip()
out_line = u""
frame = frame.decode('UTF-8', 'ignore')
for char in frame[14:]:
if '\x1b[H\x1b[2J' in out_line: # Clear screen sequence
# Handle the clear screen (usually ctrl-l) by outputting
# a new log entry line to avoid confusion regarding what
# happened at this time.
out_line += u"^L" # Clear screen is a ctrl-l or equivalent
if show_esc:
adjusted = raw(out_line)
adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % adjusted
out_line = u""
if char == u'\n':
if show_esc:
adjusted = raw(out_line)
adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
if not adjusted:
out_line = u"" # Skip empty lines
adjusted = frame_time + u' %s\n' % adjusted
out_line = u""
cr = False
elif char == u'\r':
# Carriage returns need special handling. Make a note of it
cr = True
# \r without \n means that characters were (likely)
# overwritten. This usually happens when the user gets to
# the end of the line (which would create a newline in the
# terminal but not necessarily the log), erases their
# current line (e.g. ctrl-u), or an escape sequence modified
# the line in-place. To clearly indicate what happened we
# insert a '^M' and start a new line so as to avoid
# confusion over these events.
if cr:
out_line += "^M"
file_like.write((frame_time + u' ').encode('utf-8'))
if show_esc:
adjusted = raw(out_line)
adjusted = escape_escape_seq(out_line, rstrip=True)
file_like.write((adjusted + u'\n').encode('utf-8'))
out_line = u""
out_line += char
cr = False
del term
[docs]def render_log_frames(golog_path, rows, cols, limit=None):
Returns the frames of *golog_path* as a list of HTML-encoded strings that
can be used with the playback_log.html template. It accomplishes this task
by running the frames through the terminal emulator and capturing the HTML
output from the `Terminal.dump_html` method.
If *limit* is given, only return that number of frames (e.g. for preview)
out_frames = []
from terminal import Terminal
term = Terminal(
# 14/7 for the em_height should be OK for most browsers to ensure that
# images don't always wind up at the bottom of the screen.
rows=rows, cols=cols, em_dimensions={'height':14, 'width':7})
for i, frame in enumerate(get_frames(golog_path)):
if limit and i == limit:
if len(frame) > 14:
if i == 0 and frame[14:15] == b'{':
# This is just the metadata frame. Skip it
frame_time = int(float(frame[:13]))
frame_screen = frame[14:] # Skips the colon
# Emulate how a real shell would output newlines:
frame_screen = frame_screen.replace(b'\n', b'\r\n')
# Ensure we're not in the middle of capturing a file. Otherwise
# it might get cut off and result in no image being shown.
if term.capture:
scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
out_frames.append({'screen': screen, 'time': frame_time})
del term # Ensures any file capture file descriptors are cleaned up
return out_frames # Skip the first frame which is the metadata
[docs]def get_256_colors(container="gateone"):
Returns the rendered 256-color CSS. If *container* is provided it will be
used as the ``{{container}}`` variable when rendering the template (
defaults to "gateone").
colors_json_path = os.path.join(
APPLICATION_PATH, 'static', '256colors.json')
# Using get_settings() as a cool hack to get the color data as a nice dict:
color_map = get_settings(colors_json_path, add_default=False)
# Setup our 256-color support CSS:
colors_256 = ""
for i in xrange(256):
i = str(i)
fg = u"#%s span.✈fx%s {color: #%s;}" % (
container, i, color_map[i])
bg = u"#%s span.✈bx%s {background-color: #%s;} " % (
container, i, color_map[i])
fg_rev =(
u"#%s span.✈reverse.fx%s {background-color: #%s; color: "
u"inherit;}" % (container, i, color_map[i]))
bg_rev =(
u"#%s span.✈reverse.bx%s {color: #%s; background-color: "
u"inherit;} " % (container, i, color_map[i]))
colors_256 += "%s %s %s %s\n" % (fg, bg, fg_rev, bg_rev)
return colors_256
[docs]def render_html_playback(golog_path, render_settings=None):
Generates a self-contained HTML playback file from the .golog at the given
*golog_path*. The HTML will be output to stdout. The optional
*render_settings* argument (dict) can include the following options
to control how the output is rendered:
(Default: `"go_default_"`) The GateOne.prefs.prefix to emulate when
rendering the HTML template.
(Default: `"gateone"`) The name of the #gateone container to emulate
when rendering the HTML template.
(Default: `"black"`) The theme to use when rendering the HTML
(Default: `"default"`) The text color scheme to use when rendering
the HTML template.
.. note:: This function returns a byte string (not a unicode string).
# Get the necessary variables out of render_settings
if not render_settings:
render_settings = {}
terminal_app_path = os.path.join(GATEONE_DIR, 'applications', 'terminal')
prefix = render_settings.get('prefix', 'go_default_')
container = render_settings.get('container', 'gateone')
colors = render_settings.get('colors', 'default')
theme = render_settings.get('theme', 'black')
temploc = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='logviewer') # stores rendered CSS
# This function renders all themes
combine_css(os.path.join(temploc, 'gateone.css'), container)
theme_css_file = "gateone_theme_{theme}.css".format(theme=theme)
theme_css_path = os.path.join(temploc, theme_css_file)
with io.open(theme_css_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
theme_css = f.read()
# Cleanup the CSS files since we're now done with them
# Colors are easiest since they don't need to be rendered
colors_css_file = "{0}.css".format(colors)
colors_css_path = os.path.join(
terminal_app_path, 'templates', 'term_colors', colors_css_file)
with io.open(colors_css_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
colors_css = f.read()
templates_path = os.path.join(
terminal_app_path, 'plugins', 'logging', 'templates')
asis = lambda x: x # Used to disable autoescape
loader = tornado.template.Loader(templates_path, autoescape="asis")
playback_template = loader.load('playback_log.html')
metadata = get_log_metadata(golog_path)
rows = metadata.get('rows', 24)
cols = metadata.get('columns', None)
if not cols:
# Try the old metadata format which used 'cols':
cols = metadata.get('cols', 80)
recording = render_log_frames(golog_path, rows, cols)
playback_html = playback_template.generate(
preview="false", # Only used by the logging plugin
if not isinstance(playback_html, bytes): # It's a Unicode string
playback_html = playback_html.encode('utf-8') # Convert to bytes
return playback_html
[docs]def get_terminal_size():
Returns the size of the current terminal in the form of (rows, cols).
env = os.environ
def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd):
cr = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ,
return None
return cr
cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(0) or ioctl_GWINSZ(1) or ioctl_GWINSZ(2)
if not cr:
fd = os.open(os.ctermid(), os.O_RDONLY)
cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(fd)
if not cr:
cr = (env['LINES'], env['COLUMNS'])
cr = (25, 80)
return int(cr[0]), int(cr[1])
[docs]def main(args=sys.argv):
Parse command line arguments and view the log in the specified format.
cli_command = ""
if sys.argv[0].endswith('gateone'):
cli_command = "termlog "
usage = '\t%prog {0}[options] <log file>'.format(cli_command)
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=__version__)
parser.add_option("-f", "--flat",
help="Display the log line-by-line in a syslog-like format."
parser.add_option("-p", "--playback",
help=("Play back the log in a video-like fashion. This is the default "
help=("Preserve font and character renditions when displaying the log "
"in flat view (default).")
help="Display control characters and escape sequences when viewing."
"Render a given .golog as a self-contained HTML playback file "
"(to stdout).")
help=( "Prints (to stdout) the metadata of the given .golog")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=args)
if len(args) < 1:
print("ERROR: You must specify a log file to view.")
if args[0].endswith('logviewer.py'):
args.pop(0) # Didn't get filtered out automatically for some reason
log_path = args[0]
if not os.path.exists(log_path):
print("ERROR: %s does not exist" % log_path)
sys_stdout = sys.stdout
if bytes != str: # Python 3
sys_stdout = sys.stdout.buffer
sys_stdout.flush() # Make sure it's empty before writing to the buffer
if options.metadata:
import json
if curses and sys.stderr.isatty():
print(json.dumps(get_log_metadata(log_path), indent=4))
except Exception:
elif options.flat:
preserve_renditions=options.pretty, show_esc=options.raw)
elif options.html:
result = render_html_playback(log_path)
playback_log(log_path, sys_stdout, show_esc=options.raw)
except (IOError, KeyboardInterrupt):
# Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen to ensure it isn't in the
# middle of the log playback output
rows, cols = get_terminal_size()
print("\x1b[%s;0H\n" % rows)
if __name__ == "__main__":