Source code for pyminifier.token_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__doc__ = """\
A couple of functions for dealing with tokens generated by the `tokenize`

import tokenize
    import cStringIO as io
except ImportError: # We're using Python 3
    import io

[docs]def untokenize(tokens): ### """ Converts the output of tokenize.generate_tokens back into a human-readable string (that doesn't contain oddly-placed whitespace everywhere). **Note:** Unlike tokenize.untokenize(), this function requires the 3rd and 4th items in each token tuple (though we can use lists *or* tuples). """ out = "" last_lineno = -1 last_col = 0 for tok in tokens: token_string = tok[1] start_line, start_col = tok[2] end_line, end_col = tok[3] # The following two conditionals preserve indentation: if start_line > last_lineno: last_col = 0 if start_col > last_col: out += (" " * (start_col - last_col)) out += token_string last_col = end_col last_lineno = end_line return out
[docs]def listified_tokenizer(source): """Tokenizes *source* and returns the tokens as a list of lists.""" io_obj = io.StringIO(source) return [list(a) for a in tokenize.generate_tokens(io_obj.readline)]